Latest Highlights
Chattermarks podcast series on museums and climate change
Anchorage Museum, Alaska, United States of America
September - December 2023
Co-host of five podcast episodes in conversation with museum thinkers and leaders from around the world and five blogpost featuring reflections on all five conversations.
Annual Conference of the Network of European Museums Organisations
Lahti, Finland - November 2023
Workshop for small to medium museums on ways of acting on climate change
L'Arte che parla
Universita degli studi di Macerata - April 2023
Closing remarks of a day seminar on podcasts, audioguides, voice and music in museums
Bi-Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Museum Network
Regional Historical Museum, Russe, Bulgaria - October 2022
Keynote speech
Relevance and the R-Factor: Possible Futures for Museums
CHAIN - Cultural Heritage Interdisciplinary Network - 2022 Edition
Crisis in Cultural Heritage - Evidence, Use, Resource
Department of Humanities, University of Catania, Italy - May 2022
Keynote speech
Museums Thinking Phygital - Between Museology and museum experience
Chasing the "New" in Museum Studies
Department of Museum Studies, Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, Turkey - May 2022
Museums Thinking Phygital - Between Museology and museum experience
The international conference of the European Network of Science Centres
and Museums
Experimenta, Heilbronn (Germany) - June 2022
Panel discussion entitled ' Rethinking Measures of Success' shall focus around creating relevance for museums with a focus on possible currencies that can measure the impact, relevance and significance of exhibition projects that go beyond visitor numbers and headcount.
The discussion was led by Hillary Spencer (CEO, Bishop Museum of Science and Nature, Florida) with the participation of Bernadine Brocker Wieder (Co-founder Vastari) and Herbert Münder (General Manager at Universum Bremen).
ICOM - CECA (International Committee for Education and Culture Action) Annual Conference
Ghent, Belgium - October 2021
Curators as Orchestra Conductors: Anticipating the human-centred museum idea
ICOM - ICEE (International Committee for Exhibition Exchange) Annual Conference
Museum of Art and History of the City of Geneva (MAH)/ ICOM Switzerland - September 2021
Concept and Sketches for a Low-Cost Travelling Exhibition Typology
Fourteenth International Conference on the Inclusive Museum
Museum of Lisbon, Lisbon (Portugal) - September 2021
Post-Pandemic Museum Space: Preliminary sketches
'Landscapes of Change’ - the virtual international convening for museum professionals
Anchorage Museum, Alaska (U.S.A) - January 2021
Ways of Seeing into Climate Change
Museums and COVID-19
Challenges, Re-Evaluations and Future Perspectives
International Conference convened by the Georgian Museum Association in collaboration with ICOM Georgia, NEMO, Dutch Academy of Cultural Management and Tbilisi State Academy of Art (Georgia) - June 2020
Museums and COVID-19 — Challenges, Re-evaluation and Future Perspectives
NEMO Webinar Series
NEMO (Network of European Museums Organisations) - May 2020
Museum Lives in Post-Pandemia. (Youtube Recording here)